Young and fresh, the duo brothers belonging to two of the most respected families of the Banaras Gharana tradition of music, the brothers Rahul and Rohit Mishra, in a candid chat with HT CITY while their visit to Lucknow for a musical program.
The brothers displayed their flair for music at the early the age of 9 and 11 respectively, then too they think they are a bit late because their Guru PadmaBhushan Girija Devi started learning classical music at the early age of 5.
Many people of our age want to get instant popularity, but while learning classical music one needs a lot of patience, which we get to learn when they opt for music and the Gharana of music with which we belong is more centric towards peace and patience, says Rahul.
Talking about the response of Lucknow’s audiences for classical music, Rohit says, “Lucknowites have a hatke, nawabi andaaz (different nawabi style) and rest we don’t want to make only Banaras or Lucknow proud of us but whole of our country.”
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